Sunday, August 30, 2009

Making a backup and uploading a new template

The template that you chose for your blog during the initial setup can be edited and changed.

Before you make any changes to the template, you should make a backup.

Login to your blog
1. logon to blogger ( Tip : you should bookmark this website.

2. sign in with your google account and your password

3. click 'Sign In'

4. if you have more than 1 blog already created, the dashboard will show a list of all your blogs.

To backup your template

This is the screenshot for the Backup/Restore Template for blogger blogs.

5. click the 'Layout' option for the relevant blog

6. select 'Edit HTML'

7. select 'Download Full Template'

8. save the template to you PC. Create a main folder, with subfolders for every blog. Save the template for your blog in its respective folder, and include the date in the filename, so that you can restore it if you want to.

To restore to your old template, or to change to a new template
Before you can change to a new template, you need to download the new template codes (either downloaded free from certain website, or your own custom-designed templates) to your PC first.

Repeat steps 1-6 above.
7A. Click 'Browse' button beside the field 'Upload a template from a file on your hard drive' to locate the new template codes stored in your PC.

8A. Click 'Upload' button to upload the new template codes. This will override your current template, but will leave its contents and certain settings intact.